Monday, 26 September 2016

Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead
Reviewed by Sam Sietsma
4488 6128

Genre: Comedy, Horror
Year of release: 2004
Director: Edgar Wright
Starring: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Kate Ashfield

The first movie of the fabled ‘three flavours cornetto trilogy', Shaun of the Dead is a comedy spoof of horror movies, and in particular zombie apocalypse movies. Shaun (Simon Pegg) lives with his best mate, Ed (Nick Frost) on the outskirts of London, in a boring and uneventful life. But, classic to all zombie movies, when the town is suddenly overrun with the undead, Shaun and Ed form a group of survivors to try to save his girlfriend Liz (Kate Ashfield) and themselves.

Director Edgar Wright is a genius when it comes to movies, with his unique filming style adding so much to the film on its own. From creative transitions, to comedic shots, and to interesting angles and contrasts, Edgar Wright controls and creates the flow of the entire film.

In addition, the interactions of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are of classic British comedy standards, giving a good laugh to the whole audience. The movie combines both the elements of quality filming and acting to create and overall great film.

Final rating: 9.1/10 fudges.

Movie trailer:

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