Thursday, 29 September 2016

Django Unchained Review - Adam

Django Unchained Poster

Django Unchained
Reviewed by Adam Eldershaw

Genre: Drama, Action, Western
Year of release:  25 December 2012
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Starring: Jamie Foxx, Chrisoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L Jackson

Django Unchained is a great modern rendition of a genre(Western) that hasn't been done as much as it used to be. Tarantino was able to make a movie that would hit really hard with audiences from many walks of life by using the brutal reality of the issue of slavery in the times in which the movie was set. Through the use of violent action sequences, detailed CGI and practical effects; the message of the darkness surrounding this past moment in human history really adds a deeper and more real factor to the movie. In saying this though, Tarantino also uses elements of comedy to and drama to break up the tension and violence to give a very balanced feel to what he has made.
 Jamie Foxx's performance as Django was brilliant and he was able to perfectly fit the protagonist tough guy persona that this film needed. Waltz' character "Dr Schultx" filled the role of adding heart to the story through his relationship with Django and the friendship that followed. Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his butler Stephen (Samuel L Jackson) were able to give a very sinister and violent spin to theirs roes through their acting ability and their ability to hold character even when scenes dont go to plan to create some of what i consider to be the best acting in modern cinema.
The performances of everyone involved with this movie is what has mad this the movie that it is. It is a movie that will give so much more than you expect it to and will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time while watching it.

Final rating: 8.5 /10 fudges.

Movie trailer:

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