Wednesday, 12 October 2016

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Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

Reviewed by Peter Batt - 44918429

The first  and my personal favorite film, Raiders of the Lost Ark, although released in 1981 is set in 1936. Indiana Jones has been hired by government agents to locate the 'Ark of the Covenant' before the Nazi's can beat him to it. The Nazis have teams searching for religious artifacts, such as the Lost Ark. The Ark is rumored to be able to make an invincible army of the un-dead, The Nazis plan to use this army to win the war that is currently going on. The Nazis are being helped by Indiana Jones' long time enemy, Rene Belloq, played by Paul Freeman. With the help of his lover, Marion Ravenwood, played by Karen Allen and a professional excavator, Sallah, played by John Rhys-Davies, Indiana Jones manages to recover the Lost Ark from a tomb in Egypt. The Nazis then steal the Ark and capture Indiana and Marion along with it. Rene and the Nazis perform a ceremony to open the Ark, but as they do, they are all killed gruesomely by the Ark's power. Indiana Jones and Marion survived by closing their eyes, something the others seemed to be unable to do, manage to get the Ark to the United States, where it is stored away in a secret government warehouse, never to be opened again.

The actors in this movie are:
         Paul Freeman - Rene Bellow
         John Rhys-Davis   - Sallah
         Karen Allen  - Marion Ravenwood
         Harrison Ford  - Indiana Jones

Directed by: Steven Spielberg

I rate this movie 8.9/10 Fudges

Movie Trailer:

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